Recruiter Company 

Service, Integrity, and Success

We looking for jobs in the United States!

Cell. 832-284-3363

Recruiter Company: Our Company offers job placement service, consulting services, orientation and representReation to help find opportunities to work a short or long term temporary jobs; we count on a variety of American companies that are seeking for employees.


Our professionals are trained to recruit: The section of workers will be based on an individual profile that is solicited in each one of the companies.


Our Human Resources department: It provides direct placement, job training and job opportunities in different categories, generally including, but not limited technical professionals and industrial trades.


Comments: Our client has to take note that there are millions of people around the world who would like to find a way or an opportunity to come to work legally in the United States, sadly many people who migrate clandestinely and inhumanely illegally to the United States without having even the confidence to work with dignity. Others are victims of fraud in their home countries by individuals impersonating as lawyers or shell companies entirely unaware of immigration laws.


At present it is not advisable to illegally immigrate to the United States, looking for a job, because existing laws require companies to legally verify the status of applicants for employment, this works with false information or documents can be prosecuted by federal offense for using fraudulent documents.


I-9, Work Eligibility Verification

To avoid the Government launched the federal program E-Verify for the law of the U.S. UU. It requires companies to verify and compulsorily hire only people who can work legally in the United States, whether foreign legal residents US citizens or have the necessary authorization. The same power that attracts unauthorized employment. E-Verify are an internet-based system that allows companies to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. E-Verify is fast, free an easy to use and is the best way employers to ensure a legal workforce to avoid fines.

Our service consists to help our clients and find a company to sponsor a petitioner of a temporary job.


It is important that the client knows the first steps to achieve an opportunity to work in the United States. Many scammers lie when they promise people to get a work visa when it really undone the legal procedure of the United States, when the only ones authorized are lawyers certified of immigration laws, give legal advice for this reason our company seeks to guide the immigration community in general are exposed to the knowledge to achieve the long-awaited dream. There is a possibility that you already know that with a work visa you can find a job in the United States, either as general labor, or as a professional, this opportunity can only be achieved if a petitioner or a sponsor is interested to hire temporary workers, for short or long term, all according to your necessity. If any person with aspirations to an opportunity does not find an American company, ready to sponsor you, you will not qualify for a visa.


You can’t just go to the American consulate, and directly request a working visa. The process is very different: The first step is to get a job offered form the United States, second step when you already found a sponsor, the sponsor company, through a lawyer will transmit a request in the Working Department, if is accepted or certified, the lawyer will present all the documents and annexed the request, when the request has presented in the Immigration Service is authorized, the immigration department will proceed to the request, they will send you a letter notifying you if you are eligible. The American consulate with program an anticipation interview, in that stage of corresponded procedure will approve your final authorization of a working visa to the American consulate. that are required to represent a legal attorney specialized and certified in the United States in immigration laws. For that note it is considering that many of these procedures and service will require expenses.


Take notification about the American consulate do not provides oral interpretation or translation service when you have an appointment. You are more than welcome to bring your own interpret if you wish. The person can be a professional interpret or traducer, a friend or a relative 21 years old or older able to translate from the language of English to your preferred language. Sadly, it is important for the client to be consent to have a work offer from an American company is not guarantee that you will be able to have the visa, because the consulate of immigration has the final word. Throughout our company, when already register, we will find sponsors for our clients. You have to take note on the majority of cases.

The Royal Paradise LLC., & Associates; In The United States will be intermediate and directly with the companies or entrepreneurs who want to ask or request temporary workers legally his office is to seek job opportunities for our clients enrolled. Our customers must be aware that our work is just look for companies where there is the opportunity to work.

It is important to point out that all procedures work permit will be drafted by lawyers referred in USA to take charge of the procedures related to process work permits.


The companies will make the decision according to their profile and capacity or profession base on their needs. When the Company makes the decision, the Company will make an application request. It is precisely at that time contact with the lawyer and our work will be follow up or help you collect all the documents and information he requests to process your transaction, if necessary we would also assist you with the translation of documents as part of our service.


Don’t get fooled. It is important that you know that any permit or legal authorization only up BEING AUTHORIZED Service Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). If any person or company tells you otherwise, “It´s a lie.”


Our customers must be aware that in this case our company has nothing to do with services fees and payment lawyer or immigration rates. Our function and service at this stage is only to pursue the case in the United States as long as is authorized by our client as their authorized representative to monitor all kinds of paperwork.


The performance contract for legal services. Between the lawyer and the client will be transparent and clear, but there is a possibility that some lawyers charge extra fees for attending an appointment or receive phone calls, this should be clearly stipulated in the contract attorney’s representation. It is important to note that some lawyers charge by the hour and others for a fixed price (flat fee) throughout the performance. Some attorneys offer payment plans and other don’t, you have the opportunity to hire the lawyer specializing in immigration law to negotiate their fees and ways of payment directly to him.

Our mission is unique and exclusively services to seek the opportunity of job placement through the best ways to work through our professional representation in the United States.


Note: All foreign professional must be aware that in the United States most of the studies in our countries are not valid or is not allowed to perform if you do not have the legal revalidation, in a word, are not taken in detail, so if you are professional and want an opportunity should know that will have to accept and perform Jobs are not according to their profession.


If you live in Mexico and is looking for a job opportunity in USA. We are here to help you find a suitable job opportunity as their job profile.


Our motto is: Nobody could refuse the opportunity to achieve the American dream aspire legally.


Soon proximately opening our local office in Mexico, it will be in charge to recruit and select by category for opportunities of job placement that companies in the United States are offering. So our international service will have initial cost for representation, promotion and recommendation to the American companies. For more information, please contact one of our representatives authorized in Mexico.